Молд First-Ever Barbie

Молд First-Ever Barbie — первый молд куклы Barbie, датирующийся 1958 годом. Получил свое название благодаря первой модели куклы Барби, вышедшей в продажу в 1959 году. Другие возможные названия — Nostalgic и Original Face Mould. Маркировка отсутствует. Массовое использование было приостановлено в 1966 году. На данный момент используется при выпуске коллекционных кукол.
Образ первой куклы Барби является прямой адаптацией немецкой сувенирной куклы Bild Lilli. Внеся некоторых технологические изменения компания Mattel практически полностью заимствовала форму лица.
Фактически молд остается неизменным на протяжении всей истории куклы и имеет разницу в годе выпуска, материале исполнения и шейном креплении.
В 1963 году вышла вторая версия молда с вылепленными волосами и аналогичными чертами лица, созданная специально для паричковой куклы Fashion Queen Barbie (маркирована 1962 годом).
В 1964 году вышла аналогичная форма как у Fashion Queen Barbie, но выполненная из пластика, что обусловлено наличием механизма “спящих” глаз.
В 1987 году была выпущена первая фарфоровая репродукция Enchanted Evening Barbie с оригинальным молдом с цельнолитной головой.
Молд First-Ever Barbie используется в ряде современных серий кукол, а также нескольких линий, выполненных в винтажной стилистике, которые имеют различие в строении шейного шарнира, тел и материала изготовления.
Также, начиная с 1972 года, было выпущено несколько репродукций кукол с первым молдом.

Хронология выпусков
Первая версия
Винтажные выпуски
- 1959 Ponytail Barbie (№1) (blonde)
- 1959 Ponytail Barbie (№1) (brunette)
- 1959 Ponytail Barbie (№2) (blonde)
- 1959 Ponytail Barbie (№2) (brunette)
- 1960 Ponytail Barbie (№3) (blonde)
- 1960 Ponytail Barbie (№3) (brunette)
- 1960 Ponytail Barbie (№4) (blonde)
- 1960 Ponytail Barbie (№4) (brunette)
- 1961 Ponytail Barbie (№5) (blonde)
- 1961 Ponytail Barbie (№5) (brunette)
- 1961 Ponytail Barbie (№5) (redhead)
- 1962 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (blonde)
- 1962 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (brunette)
- 1962 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (redhead)
- 1963 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (blonde)
- 1963 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (brunette)
- 1963 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (redhead)
- 1963 – 1964 Dressed Box Barbie.
- 1964 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (blonde)
- 1964 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (brunette)
- 1964 Ponytail Barbie (№6/7) (redhead)
- 1964 Ponytail Barbie (№7) (redhead) (exclusive for Europe) (swimsuit of Fashion Queen Barbie)
- 1961 Bubblecut Barbie (blonde)
- 1961 Bubblecut Barbie (brunette)
- 1961 Bubblecut Barbie (redhead)
- 1962 Bubblecut Barbie (blonde)
- 1962 Bubblecut Barbie (brunette)
- 1962 Bubblecut Barbie (redhead)
- 1963 Bubblecut Barbie (blonde)
- 1963 Bubblecut Barbie (brunette)
- 1963 Bubblecut Barbie (redhead)
- 1964 Bubblecut Barbie (blonde)
- 1964 Bubblecut Barbie (brunette)
- 1964 Bubblecut Barbie (redhead)
- 1964 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (ash hair)
- 1964 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (lemon hair)
- 1964 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (light blonde)
- 1964 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (brunette)
- 1964 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (redhead)
- 1965 Bubblecut Barbie (blonde)
- 1965 Bubblecut Barbie (brunette)
- 1965 Bubblecut Barbie (redhead)
- 1965 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (ash hair)
- 1965 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (lemon hair)
- 1965 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (light blonde)
- 1965 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (brunette)
- 1965 Swirl Ponytail Barbie (redhead)
- 1965 American Girl Barbie (light blonde)
- 1965 American Girl Barbie (ash hair)
- 1965 American Girl Barbie (blonde)
- 1965 American Girl Barbie (brunette)
- 1965 American Girl Barbie (redhead)
- 1966 Bubblecut Barbie (blonde)
- 1966 Bubblecut Barbie (brunette)
- 1966 Bubblecut Barbie (redhead)
- 1966 American Girl Barbie (light blonde)
- 1966 American Girl Barbie (ash hair)
- 1966 American Girl Barbie (blonde)
- 1966 American Girl Barbie (brunette)
- 1966 American Girl Barbie (redhead)
- 1966 Color Magic Barbie (golden blonde changes to scarlet flame hair)
- 1966 Color Magic Barbie (midnight changes to ruby red hair)
- 1967 Bubblecut Barbie (blonde)
- 1967 Bubblecut Barbie (brunette)
- 1967 Bubblecut Barbie (redhead)
- 1967 Color Magic Barbie (golden blonde changes to scarlet flame hair)
- 1972 The Orginal Barbie (exclusive for Montgomery Ward) (100th anniversary)
- 1972 The Orginal Barbie (exclusive for Montgomery Ward)
- 1987 Black Evening Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1987 Gay Parisienne Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1994 35th Anniversary Barbie
- 1994 35th Anniversary Barbie (brunette)
- 1994 35th Anniversary Easter Parade & Roman Holiday Barbie Gift Set
- 1995 Solo in the Spotlight Barbie (blonde)
- 1995 Busy Gal Barbie
- 1996 Poodle Parade Barbie
- 1996 Enchanted Evening Barbie (blonde)
- 1996 Enchanted Evening Barbie (brunette)
- 1997 Fashion Luncheon Barbie
- 1997 Wedding Day Barbie (blonde)
- 1997 Wedding Day Barbie (redhead)
- 1998 Silken Flame Barbie (blonde)
- 1998 Silken Flame Barbie (brunette)
- 1999 Commuter Set Barbie
- 2000 Sophisticated Lady Barbie
- 2000 Suburban Shopper Barbie
- 2000 Cool Collecting Barbie
- 2001 Gold ‘N Glamour Barbie
- 2003 Color Magic Barbie
- 2003 Gay Parisienne Barbie
- 2004 Open Road Barbie
- 2004 Plantation Belle Barbie
- 2005 Evening Splendor Barbie
- 2006 Friday Night Dream Date Barbie & Ken
- 2006 Career Girl Barbie
- 2006 Picnic Set Barbie
- 2007 Knitting Pretty Barbie & Skipper
- 2007 Evening Gala Barbie
- 2007 Sleepytime Gal Barbie
- 2007 Barbie Learns To Cook (blonde)
- 2007 Barbie Learns To Cook (brunette)
- 2008 Campus Spirit Barbie & Ken
- 2008 Campus Sweetheart Barbie (blonde)
- 2008 Campus Sweetheart Barbie (greyhead)
- 2009 My Favorite Barbie: The Original Teenage Fashion Model Barbie
- 2009 My Favorite Couple: Barbie Wedding Day
- 2009 My Favorite Barbie: Swirl Ponytail Barbie
- 2009 My Favorite Barbie: Brunette Bubblecut Barbie
- 2009 My Favorite Barbie: Barbie with Lifelike Bendable Legs
- 2009 Student Teacher Barbie
- 2009 Miss Astronaut Barbie
- 2009 Registered Nurse Barbie
- 2009 Pan American Airways Stewardess Barbie
- 2009 Sparkling Pink Barbie
- 2011 In The Swim Barbie and Ken (exclusive for NBC)
- 2012 Let’s Play Barbie (blonde)
- 2012 Let’s Play Barbie (brunette)
- 2012 Let’s Play Barbie (redhead)
- 2013 Barbie & Midge 50th Anniversary Gift Set
- 2014 Double Date 50th Anniversary Giftset: Barbie, Ken, Midge, Alan
- 2014 Black & White Bathing Suit Barbie
- 2020 Barbie Signature Mattel 75th Anniversary Doll (blonde)
- 2020 Barbie Signature Mattel 75th Anniversary Doll (brunette) (convention exclusive)
- 2020 Barbie Signature Mattel 75th Anniversary Doll (AA) (convention exclusive)
- 2020 Art of Engineering Barbie
- 2020 Barbie Dream House By Mattel, Inc. Doll, House and Accessories
Выпуски из фарфора
- 1987 Enchanted Evening Barbie
- 1989 Wedding Party Barbie
- 1990 Sophisticated Lady Barbie
- 1990 Solo In The Spotlight Barbie
- 1991 Gay Parisienne Barbie
- 1992 Plantation Belle Barbie (blonde)
- 1992 Plantation Belle Barbie (redhead)
- 1993 Silken Flame Barbie
Современные выпуски
- 1987 Wedding Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1987 Red Kimono Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1987 Black Kimono Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1987 Uchikake Kimono Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1987 Summer Dress Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1987 Pink Evening Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1987 White & Pink Dress Barbie (exclusive for P.B.Store)
- 1995 Barbie at Harvey Nichols
- 1997 Barbie Loves Elvis
- 1999 Vintage Spring in Tokyo Barbie
- 2000 Bowling Champ Barbie
- 2003 1 Modern Circle Barbie
- 2003 1 Modern Circle Barbie (edit II)
- 2008 Joie de Vivre Barbie
- 2008 Joie de Vivre Barbie (AA)
- 2009 Tribute Barbie Giftset (exclusive for NBC)
- 2009 Red White & Beautiful Barbie (LE 1500)
- 2009 Voyage in Vintage Barbie (exclusive for NBC)
- 2010 Thanksgiving Feast Barbie
- 2010 Bewitched Barbie
- 2010 I Dream Of Jeannie Barbie
- 2010 The Beverly Hillbillies Barbie
- 2011 Halloween Haunt Barbie
- 2012 Passport to Pink Barbie (exclusive for NBC)
- 2012 Yuletide Yummies Barbie
- 2013 Happy New Year Barbie
- 2013 Catwoman Barbie
- 2014 Cupid’s Kisses Barbie
- 2015 Shamrock Celebration Barbie
- 2015 Cherry Pie Picnic Barbie
- 2015 Homecoming Queen Barbie
- 2016 Charlotte Olympia Barbie
- 2019 60th Sparkles Barbie
- 2019 Special Sparkle Barbie (OOAK) (exclusive for Japan Barbie Convention)
Barbie Fashion Model Collection
- 2000 Lingerie Barbie #1
- 2000 Lingerie Barbie #2
- 2000 Delphine Barbie
- 2001 Lingerie Barbie #3
- 2001 Fashion Editor Barbie
- 2001 In the Pink Barbie
- 2001 Lisette Barbie
- 2001 Ravishing in Rouge Barbie
- 2001 Dusk To Dawn Barbie Giftset
- 2002 Continental Holiday Giftset
- 2002 Lingerie Barbie #4
- 2002 Lingerie Barbie #5
- 2002 Fashion Designer Barbie
- 2002 Maria Therese Barbie
- 2002 Provencale Barbie
- 2003 A Model Life Barbie Giftset
- 2003 Lingerie Barbie #6
- 2003 Capucine Barbie
- 2003 Chataine Barbie
- 2003 City Smart Barbie
- 2003 Sunday Best Barbie
- 2004 45th Anniversary Barbie
- 2004 45th Anniversary Barbie Doll and Ken Giftset
- 2004 New England Escape Fashion Giftset
- 2004 Chinoiserie Red Moon Barbie
- 2004 Joyeux Barbie
- 2004 Trench Setter Barbie
- 2005 Happy Go Lightly Barbie
- 2005 Muffy Roberts Barbie
- 2005 Stolen Magic Barbie
- 2005 Suite Retreat Barbie
- 2005 Trace of Lace Barbie
- 2005 Trace of Lace Barbie (Blonde) (Platinum label)
- 2006 Dahlia Barbie
- 2006 Day at the Races Barbie
- 2006 The French Maid Barbie
- 2006 Highland Fling Barbie
- 2006 Lady of the Manor Barbie
- 2006 The Nurse Barbie
- 2006 Pretty Pleats Barbie
- 2006 The Stewardess Barbie
- 2006 The Teacher Barbie
- 2006 Tweed Indeed Barbie
- 2006 Violette Barbie
- 2006 The Waitress Barbie
- 2006 High Tea and Savories Barbie Giftset
- 2007 Hollywood Hostess Barbie
- 2007 Movie Mixer Barbie
- 2007 Golden Gala Barbie (exclusive for GAW)
- 2007 Golden Gala Barbie (AA) (exclusive for GAW)
- 2007 Red Hot Reviews Barbie
- 2007 The Ingenue Barbie
- 2007 The Interview Barbie
- 2007 The Secretary Barbie
- 2007 The Siren Barbie
- 2007 The Soiree Barbie
- 2007 The Usherette Barbie
- 2008 Haut Monde Barbie
- 2008 Je Ne Sais Quoi Barbie
- 2008 Market Day Barbie
- 2008 Preferably Pink Barbie
- 2008 The Soiree Barbie (blonde)
- 2008 The Soiree Barbie (brunette)
- 2008 The Artist Barbie
- 2008 The Shopgirl Barbie(exclusive for Europe)
- 2008 The Showgirl Barbie
- 2008 Toujours Couture Barbie
- 2008 Tout de Suite Barbie
- 2009 Debut Barbie (blonde)
- 2009 Debut Barbie (AA)
- 2009 Debut Barbie (brunette) (LE 354) (exclusie for PFDF)
- 2009 Parisienne Pretty Barbie
- 2009 Southern Belle Barbie
- 2009 Stunning in the Spotlight Barbie
- 2010 Palm Beach Breeze Barbie
- 2010 Palm Beach Coral Barbie
- 2010 Palm Beach Swim Suit Barbie
- 2010 Palm Beach Honey Barbie
- 2010 Mad Men: Betty Draper
- 2010 Mad Men: Joan Holloway
- 2010 Celebratory Tribute 10th Anniversary Barbie
- 2011 Mila
- 2011 Darya
- 2011 Verushka
- 2011 Ekaterina
- 2012 Celebratory Tribute 10th Anniversary Barbie (OOAK) (exclusive for IDC)
- 2012 Afternoon Suit Barbie
- 2012 Walking Suit Barbie
- 2012 Party Dress Barbie
- 2012 Evening Gown Barbie
- 2012 Gala Gown Barbie
- 2013 Boater Ensemble Barbie
- 2013 Luncheon Ensemble Barbie
- 2013 Cocktail Dress Barbie
- 2013 Mermaid Gown Barbie
- 2013 Ball Gown Barbie
- 2014 Fiorella Barbie
- 2014 Dulcissima Barbie
- 2014 Principessa Barbie
- 2014 Fiorella Barbie (edit I) (exclusive for IDC)
- 2014 Fiorella Barbie (edit II) (exclusive for MFDC)
- 2014 Midnight Soirée Barbie (OOAK) (exclusive for NBC)
- 2015 Boucle Beauty Barbie
- 2015 Fashionably Floral Barbie
- 2016 Classic Black Dress Barbie (light redhead) (exclusive for JBC)
- 2016 Classic Black Dress Barbie (redhead) (exclusive for PFDC)
- 2016 Classic Black Dress Barbie (brownhead) (exclusive for IDC)
- 2016 Classic Black Dress Barbie (redhead) (exclusive for NBC)
- 2016 Classic Black Dress Barbie (brownhead) (exclusive for MFDC)
- 2016 Classic Black Dress Barbie (redhead) (exclusive for NEBC)
- 2016 Classic Black Dress Barbie (brownhead) (exclusive for RFDC)
- 2016 Glam Gown Barbie
- 2016 Classic Black Dress Barbie (brunette)
- 2017 Black & White Tweed Suit Barbie
Вторая версия
- 1963 Fashion Queen Barbie
- 1962 Fashion Queen Barbie & her Friends, Barbie and Ken Trosseau Gift Set
- 1964 Fashion Queen Barbie
- 1965 Fashion Queen Barbie
- 2004 The Spa Getaway Barbie Giftset
- 2009 My Favorite Barbie: Barbie and Her Wig Wardbore (Fashion Queen Barbie)
Третья версия
- 1964 Miss Barbie
Смотрите также
Изменения внешности кукол Barbie
Изменения внешности кукол Ken
Bild Lilli
Ponytail Barbie
Silkstone Barbie
Молд First-Ever Ken